
Frequently Asked Questions

About Active Giving

Is Active Giving free to use?2020-02-03T22:01:14+01:00

Yes, Active Giving is free to use.

Why should I join the Active Giving movement?2020-01-10T18:05:36+01:00

By joining Active Giving you can contribute to a better world by simply being active and not changing any behavior. You will get rewarded by doing good for yourself and doing good for the planet.

What is the vision of Active Giving?2020-01-10T18:05:48+01:00

Short-term we want to provide a platform through which active people and forward-thinking companies as sponsors can contribute to environmental causes and showing their impact, as well as gain knowledge about environmental issues and projects.

In the future we also want to expand our non-profit offerings to humanitarian, sealife and other meaningful projects that need the most support.

Is Active Giving a non-profit organisation?2020-04-17T09:45:29+01:00

No, Active Giving is not a non-profit organisation. We are a social enterprise that applies strategies & operations of commercial companies that will benefit environmental causes.

While we have common values and share operational processes, our revenue model and funding source differ from typical non-profits.

Why do you do what you do?2020-01-10T18:04:36+01:00

We believe that the act of doing good in today’s world is not in-line with our daily behaviors, actions and tools. Therefore we want to tap into an existing behavior of our users (sports activity) and combine it with existing spendings of companies (spending marketing budgets) and with that increase funding volumes non-profits receive to create a higher impact on current issues.

Born out of own personal experiences where funding for non-profit projects has not worked out as planned we want to support people in doing good. And involve them into doing those good actions more regularly also in order to become aware of what action is needed.

How does Active Giving work?2020-06-02T16:32:53+01:00

You can use the Active Giving app to track your runs or bike-rides or enter your last workout. Active Giving will generate financial contributions to charitable projects based on your activities and pay these in recurring intervals to the projects.

Active Giving for Users

How long do I have to run/walk/bike/… to plant 1 tree?2022-06-02T11:27:52+01:00

The actual impact depends on the project you are supporting with the respective activity. But as example values for some of our platform project partners, the following performance is required to plant 1 tree. 

  • Running: 7,5 km
  • Cycling: 15 km
  • Walking: 15 km
  • Swimming: 1,5 km
  • All other Workouts: 300 kcal


I love your idea, how can I support?2020-01-10T18:09:22+01:00

We are thankful for everyone who offers support to help us. What everyone can do is spread the word about Active Giving and motivate friends & family to follow us, become active and share their activities.
Also be an example and live a lifestyle that does not harm our environment as much: buy less clothes, take the bike instead of a car, a train instead of a plane and support causes and non-profits among many others.

If you want to work with us directly, please contact info@activegiving.org

Which sports activities are eligible for Active Giving?2020-06-02T16:42:02+01:00

With Active Giving a wide range of sport activities are eligible. The most current list is available in the app itself, while in the list below are a few activities and the unit based on which the impact is calculated:

Kilometers based

  • running
  • cycling
  • walking
  • swimming
  • kayaking

Kilocalorie based

  • yoga
  • indoor cycling
  • gym workouts
  • HIIT
  • Pilates
How can I be part of Active Giving?2020-06-02T16:42:38+01:00

You can become part of the movement by downloading our app in the Apple App or Google Play Stores.

Is there a maximum impact I can achieve?2020-06-02T16:40:03+01:00

The current maximum activities per day are:

  • 2 for manually entered activities
  • 5 for GPS tracked activities or ones that are synchronized through Strava.

About our Non-Profits

Can I get my project added?2020-04-17T09:43:28+01:00

Please contact partnerships@activegiving.de to get in touch with us.

Which projects do you currently support?2021-01-06T10:59:21+01:00

You can always read about our partner projects here or inside the app itself.

Will you also add more projects in the future?2020-06-02T16:47:05+01:00

Yes, while we will focus on environmental topics at the moment, we will also consider adding projects that focus on different issues.

Based on which criteria do you select your projects?2020-04-17T09:43:54+01:00

Our criteria catalogue for now is rather short and will be evolving over time. As for now we pick environmental projects which have a focus on social impact, meaning that the social benefits are not only spill-over effects but are core of the program. This is achieved by involving the local community into the afforestation efforts in a way that they generate incomes from participating in the program or becoming food secure, so in turn they become independent from the main organisation in the future.

For Sponsors & About Funding

Where do the funds come from?2020-04-17T09:43:16+01:00

The funds used to pay the projects are Active Givings advertisement revenues. These are paid by forward-thinking companies that want to contribute to a better world.

Why should I sponsor Active Giving? What’s in it for me?2020-01-10T18:11:25+01:00

As a sponsor not only you contribute to a better world by rerouting media budgets to environmental causes, but you also create a meaningful relationship with the users, by supporting a cause they care about. Also Active Giving will provide you with many insights about environmental issues, projects and achievements.

How can I become a sponsor?2021-02-15T15:40:37+01:00

Please contact laurent@activegiving.de

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