In alignment with the United Nations SDGs Active Giving has selected environmental projects based on their proven ability to aid the fight against climate change. Currently, afforestation sequesters 4.7 Tons CO2 per hectare per year totaling a third of total sequestered carbon globally and is one of the best proven methods of carbon capture in operation. This is why Active Giving converts trackable fitness activities into trees planted.
Our project partners use trees to generate the following social and environmental impact with their work:
Air Quality: Trees sequester CO2 and other gaseous pollutants and provide clean air for us to breathe.
Water Quality: Trees and its surrounding soil hold runoff water and avoid contaminants from entering surface water.
Bio-Diversity: Trees provide a habitat for animals and insects to thrive which increases biodiversity.
Health & wellness: Trees contribute to mental well-being, relieve stress and serve as a source of medicine. With Active Giving they now promote physical activity.
Soil & Soil Health: Trees anchor soil with its roots and avoid landslides. Trees can also filter chemicals and pollutants from the soil into less harmful forms. Falling fruits of trees provide the soil with nutrients.
Food and Forest Products: Trees can provide food and products from which people can make a living.

About Veritree
veritree is a data-driven restorative platform that directly connects nature-based solutions, including reforestation, to businesses and customers who want to make a difference and lead the restorative economy. With on-the-ground monitoring and measurement, veritree improves transparency at each step of the reforestation process, and builds trust through data and tools that revitalize ecosystems, strengthen communities, and build climate solutions.
Read more about veritree on their website
veritree Impressions

About Trees for the Future
Trees for the Future identifies a group of farmers—typically 300 families at a time —who have both a great need for assistance and a high likelihood of success. Farmers provide the land, labor, and water; a powerful, entrepreneurial determination; and an inspiring sense of ownership. TREES provides training, mentoring, seeds, and nursery supplies for each family. They guide the large groups of farmers through the process of using trees to protect, diversify, and eventually optimize their crop land. They continue working with farmers for the four years it takes to fully establish the Forest Garden, offering ongoing coaching and regular site visits.
Read more about Trees for the Future on their website and see their latest impact report here.
Trees for the Future
Trees for the Future Impressions

About Eden Reforestation Projects
Eden Reforestation Projects mission is to provide fair wage employment to impoverished villagers as agents of global forest restoration. They hire the poorest of the poor to grow, plant, and guard to maturity native species forest on a massive scale. Their “employ to plant methodology” results in a multiplication of positive socio-economic and environment measures.
Read more about Eden Forest on their website.
Eden Reforestation Projects
Eden Reforestation Project Impressions

About We Forest
WeForest is a science-based international non-profit established in Belgium, France and USA that specializes in engaging companies to act for CLIMATE, PLANET and PEOPLE. Their FOREST LANDSCAPE RESTORATION projects in tropical countries directly deliver on 8 of the 17 SDGs and transform entire regions.
Read more about We Forest on their website.
We Forest
We Forest Impressions

About Global Forest Generation
Global Forest Generation (GFG) is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization whose mission is large-scale restoration of threatened forests. GFG partners with local leaders and communities to plant the right trees in the right places. They are regenerating vital forest ecosystems for their critical role in preserving water, storing carbon, and protecting biodiversity. GFG’s projects ensure the viability of indigenous cultures and are a refuge for endangered species.
Read more about GFG on their website.
Global Forest Generation
Global Forest Generation Impressions

About ReforestAction
ReforestAction acts locally to deal with the global environmental issues that are global warming and the erosion of biodiversity, while making sure to have a positive social and economic impact on communities. To do this, they design and/or develop projects which deal with the regeneration of the Earth’s ecosystems and which create plural value. To conduct our mission as efficiently as possible, they rely on our field experience and the local communities, as well as on science and technology.
Read more about ReforestAction on their website.
ReforestAction Impressions

About tree-nation
Tree nation’s mission is to reforest the world. Planting trees has been proven to be one of the most efficient solutions to fight Climate Change. Thanks to their reforestation and conservation projects we help to restore forests, create jobs, support local communities and protect biodiversity.
Read more about ReforestAction on their wehttps://tree-nation.com/about-ushttps://tree-nation.com/about-ushttps://tree-nation.com/about-usbsite.
tree-nation Impressions
If you are interested in partnering with Active Giving, please send us your inquiry through the contact form: